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On June 27th 2013 ICANN( ICANN link ) released the latest version of its Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA)( RAA link ) . The RAA according to ICANN is supposed to enhance and solidify the competition between gTLD registrars while clarifying the responsibilities of the registrar and the rights of the registrants.
The 2013 RAA has brought in a long list of mandated changes that will affect both the registrar and registrant of currently available gTLD domains and the new gTLD names being released.
The biggest change for gTLD domain owners is the Whois( Whois link ) information validation process. ICANN has brought in a requirement that when a gTLD domain is registered, transferred or the contact information is updated the publicly available Whois( Whois link ) information must be validated.
There are two parts to this validation process, firstly the Whois( Whois link ) contact information will be validated by email which is sent to the registered name holder and the second part will be the street address validation. Registrants will see the following changes when registering, transferring or updating a gTLD domain;
The validation process has been defined by ICANN and all registrars will be audited yearly to ensure compliance. The validation process is quite straight forward and will ensure that information the registered name holders are listing against their gTLD domains will be accurate.
The process requires registered name holders to approve an email sent to the email address listed in their registration, transfer or update. The owner will have 15 days to complete this process and if not approved the domain will be suspended. The suspension of the domain can be reversed by approving the email sent.
The following outlines the time line for the approval process; the registered name holder can approve the request at any time during the 15 day period;
Once a domain is suspended the registered name holder will have the ability to un-suspend the domain by requesting the approval email be resent. This can be achieved by clicking the “resend approval” link in the suspension email or by contact our support team. Some important facts customers must be aware of;